BAI JIE ZI - Semen Sinapsis Albae

Availability: In stock

Sku: SD10
Mustard Seed
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Product informations



Class: Transform Phlegm to Relieve Cough and Dyspnoea
Subclass: Warm and Transform Cold-Phlegm
Pinyin: Bai Jie Zi
Pharmaceutical: Semen Sinapsis Albae
Other names: Jie Zi
Description: Mustard Seed.
Nature: Warm.
Taste: Pungent.
Organ: Lungs.
Toxicity: Non toxic.
Warms the Lungs.
Eliminates Phlegm.
Moves Qi.
Disperses nodules.
Promotes circulation in the channels.
Calms pain.
Lai Fu Zi resolves food retention and transforms Phlegm to relieve breathlessness.
Zi Su Zi subdues Qi and resolve Phlegm to relieve breathlessness.
Contraindications: Sensitive skin.
Caution: External use may cause blisters.

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