Product informations
Class: Transform Phlegm to Relieve Cough and Dyspnoea
Subclass: Clear and Transform Phlegm-Heat
Pinyin: Gua Lou Shi
Pharmaceutical: Fructus Trichosanthis
Other names: Quan Gua Lou, Yuan Gua Lou, Gua Lou Shi
Description: Snake gourd Fruit.
Nature: Cold.
Taste: Sweet.
Organ: Lungs, Stomach, Large Intestine.
Toxicity: Non toxic.
Clears the Lungs.
Moistens Dryness.
Clears Heat from the Stomach and Lungs.
Transforms Phlegm.
Promotes breathing.
Dissolves nodules.
Soothes the chest.
Promotes circulation.
Eliminates obstructions from the diaphragm and thorax.
Moistens the Intestines.
Contraindications: Diarrhea from Intestine Cold.
Incompatible with:
Fu Zi
Chuan Wu Zhi
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