Product informations
Decoction to activate the Luo and expel the cold
Category: Activate the Luo and expel the cold
Tonify the Qi and feeds the blood
Harmonizes Ying and Wei
Activate the Luo and expel the cold
Raynaud's disease due to cold in the vessels
Instructions for use:
- Place the mixture in 2 liters of water.
- Boil up to 1,4 liters.
- Eliminates waste from decoction.
- Wash and spray the affected area 3 times a day.
- Make a decoction in the morning and at night with the same substances.
HUANG QI - Radix Astragali
DANG GUI (GUAN/QUAN) - Radix Angelica sinensis
DAN SHEN - Radix Salvia Milthiorrhizae
GUI ZHI - Cinnamomi Cassiae Ramulus
BAI SHAO YAO - Radix Paeonia Alba
RU XIANG (CHAO) - Gummi Olibanum (Tosta)
MO YAO (ZHI) - Myrrha
SHENG JIANG - Rhizoma Zingiberis crudae
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