TING LI ZI - Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae

Availability: In stock

Sku: SD09
Pepper weed
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Product informations



Class: Transform Phlegm to Relieve Cough and Dyspnoea
Subclass: Relieve Cough and Dyspnoea
Pinyin: Ting Li Zi
Pharmaceutical: Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii
Other names: Sheng Ting Li, Gan Ting Li
Description: Pepperweed / Tansymustard Seed.
Nature: Very cold.
Taste: Bitter, pungent.
Organ: Lungs, Bladder.
Toxicity: Non toxic.
Disperses endogenic Heat and Phlegm from the Lungs.
Calms dyspnea.
Resolves oedema.
Contraindications: Edema due to hepatic weakness.
Cough from Deficiency.

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